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Week 8: Pixels I
November 7, 2021

My most major question this week:

The answer was revealed in class: because p5 has an error catching function that automatically creates a canvas of 100x100 even when createCanvas is not present.

This is evidenced by this behavior:

As well as when the sketch is viewed in the developer tools:

Not sure why this sketch (question 2 in the worksheet) keeps crashing...

Notes on pixel arrays:

var index  = (x + y * width) * 4; 

Var vs let:
var has functionscope
let has blockscope


For this What Happens Next Project, I seem to always be looking for a skill that is two weeks ahead in the syllabus. What happens when I do learn the skill though? If I lose interest is it because I am discouraged by how moving forward is harder that I anticipated, or is it because I truly have found it is not what I am looking for?

Just leaving the question here for myself.