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Week 9: Pixels II
November 9, 2021

Project 2 Documentation

Bianca and I paired up. From the examples provided, I was most fascinated by the checkbox mirror while Bianca was interested by the brightness mirror. Combining these two interests, we decided we wanted to try making a mirror with emojis of variable size.

We realized that emojis were part of unicode and we could just use them like any other text without having to upload them as images.

To make the mirror change over time, we decided to have the emojis change every 10 seconds. We chose six pairs of emojis of contrasting colors to make up 60 seconds.

Some pairs:

This is the link to the sketch.


Notes on Modulo operator usage:

The Modulo can be used to find the remainder.

But in the color exercises this week, we use it to restrict a number to a range (e.g. of 360, the range of hues in HSB).

This example using console.log in class was very helpful for my understanding.


And this article explains it well:


Week 9. I’m finding myself with a renewed hunger to learn. Much of it is likely because I just presented a 3 minute version of a solo and tool for performance I’ve been developing for What Happens Next (and partially, now, Physical Computing) last Monday.
Daylight savings time began on Sunday, and I woke up at 5:30am, wasn’t able to sleep for a moment and had no desire for anything but to watch some coding train videos from the syllabus. So I did for half an hour before falling back asleep. Maybe this doesn’t belong in an ICM blog post, and I’m not sure who needs to know this but I feel that there is some importance in recording this moment for posterity. This sense of effortless enthusiasm, boundless curiosity.

This is a feeling I know to be an in-between feeling, a sort feeling that only belongs in the summer or in breaks between projects. It’s not a feeling I know to be the feeling of working on something -- that I feel will be good or ‘effective’ or successfully received or of ‘value’ -- but why can’t it be?

Perhaps because it feels self-indulgent, but... Andrew said yesterday that if there’s any time to get rid of that fear then it is now. 

Now that we’re moving into Media in ICM, I’m finding myself surprised by how interested I am in color and perception. In some ways it is no surprise, and harkens back to my interest in neuroscience and the psychology of perception during my undergraduate. Perhaps I’ve just always thought of color as being my weak spot, but if there’s any time to be rid of that preconception of myself and dive into learning it is now.

I’ve been thinking a lot about color, white balance, and the wetware of the brain for this dance/tool.

For last Monday’s performance I used Ryoji Ikeda’s -. from his his album + / - and layered a thunderstorm on top, but eventually I’d like to produce live sound during the performance with the EMG sensor itself. Totally unrelated to this week’s ICM topic, I also briefly started playing with the p5 sound library as a way to start.

I find my brain wandering back to ITP’s tagline as the “center for the recently possible”, and asking: what’s the ‘most recently possible’ in color? And simultaneously converse and complimentary to that: what has always been possible and true?