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How does the interplay of digital and physical space affect social worlds? What tools can be used for digital activism, and what are some of the pitfalls?

  1. EVERYONE: Miwon Kwon Chapter 5 from One Place After Another (in Shared Materials folder on Drive)
  2. Education for Socially Engaged Art: Chapters 2 and 3
    1. This lecture, by Stephen Carpenter, explains and expands on Helguera’s text
  3. Radical Technologies:  Chap. 3. (pgs. 63-73, 75-82) (in Shared Materials folder on Drive)
  4. Algorithms of Oppression. Chap. 3  (in Shared Materials folder on Drive)
  5. Reflections from Nowhere: Social Media Activism and the Strange Politics of Participation. Chloë Bass
  6. How George Floyd Changed the Conversation around Black Lives Matter
ARTISTS: Introduction, Memes to Movements